
Delivery with Style

Our client Pinga is a new App, which deliveries anything from anywhere. Cool concept ah? Kind of like a well-known food delivery app, but offers a much wider choice of options. Snacks, Makeup, Drinks…… anything.

We’ve been working with Pinga for about 6 months now looking at deploying PPC, SEO and Social strategies to help aid their business growth. It’s been really fantastic working with the two founders who are keen to quickly test and learn.

Let’s face it, content is king. Once you get past the joy of optimising performance campaigns, you need to build a brand. So with this in mind, we wanted to create some unique, exciting and engaging video content for Pinga (But with a very very modest budget).

It’s fantastic to see customer feedback for Pinga, anyone which uses the app cannot believe how easy and fast it is to get items delivered. So, how can we capture this in a series of social videos without it being a bit of a boring talking heads montage?

Our campaign for “Delivery in Style” captures a coffee delivery, with a small twist. We looked at influencers in the Parkhor community and found Joe Scandrett. He has done some pretty cool stuff so we quickly ran a filming day and this is the first edit.

The whole point of this campaign was to capture a moment, a reason to request a delivery. We filmed a number of shots, all can be sliced and diced so we can use for pre-rolls, feature ads, banner ads, Insa stories etc etc.

Jack Rubin, co-founder of Pinga “Delivery in style is such an exciting creative direction for Pinga and something we could use again and again for future brand campaigns. The campaign planning and final edits are fantastic and we now have a whole host of video content we can use across many marketing channels. More great work by the Jukebox Media team”

Find out more about Pinga and to make an order at https://pinga.co.uk.